EMC Proceedings
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ERZMETALL – World of Metallurgy – Jahrgang 2024
No. 3
ISSN: 1613-2394
Seitenzahl: 96
Erscheinungsjahr: 2024
© GDMB e.V
(inkl. UST, zzgl. Versand)
Ausgabe 3
Investigations on Single Minerals and Synthetic Ash Components for the Enrichment of Copper from Waste Incineration Bottom Ashes by Flotation
Sebastian Keber, Marius Müller, Tobias Elwert, Daniel Goldmann
Application Potential of Hydrogen in Non-ferrous Metallurgy
Alexander Birich, Kartikeya Marepalli, Florian Wegmann, Hanwen Chung, Bernd Friedrich
An Investigation of the Effect of the Heat-Treating Parameters on the Specific Strength of 7075 Aluminium Alloy
Meshref A. A., Rajab M. I.
No. 2
ISSN: 1613-2394
Seitenzahl: 94
Erscheinungsjahr: 2024
© GDMB e.V
(inkl. UST, zzgl. Versand)
Ausgabe 2
Fundamentals of Lithium Enrichment – from Geological Processes to Ore Mineral Concentrates
Gregor Borg
Resilient Supply of Critical and Strategic Raw Materials for Germany – Potentials in Africa
Jasemin A. Ölmez, Christoph Hilgers
Characterization of Fine Fractions from the Processing of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom Ashes for the Potential Recovery of Valuable Metals
Sebastian Keber, Thomas Schirmer, Tobias Elwert, Daniel Goldmann
ISSN: 1613-2394
Seitenzahl: 70
Erscheinungsjahr: 2024
© GDMB e.V
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Ausgabe 1
Process Modelling and Twinning for Metals Production – a Key Enabler of the Circular Economy
Rolf Degel, Nikolaus Borowski, Markus Reuter, Erik Hecker, Michael Kalisch
Reduction of Anode Furnace Slag from Secondary Copper Production with different Metallic Reducing Agents
Lars Felkl, Michael Stelter, Alexandros Charitos
Smelter Grade Alumina Properties – The Alumina Refinery Challenge
Jörg Rüster
Casting and Induction Method for Manufacturing Three-layer Products
Valeriy P. Lykhoshva, Andrey N. Tymoshenko, Oleg A. Pelican †, Valeriy V. Savin, Liudmila A. Savina
World of Mining – Jahrgang 2024
No. 3
ISSN: 1613-2406
Seitenzahl: 70
Erscheinungsjahr: 2024
© GDMB e.V
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Ausgabe 3/2024
Die Tagungsreihe NACHBergbauzeit in NRW: Entstehung und Entwicklung einer erfolgreichen Plattform – ein kurzer Blick auf eine Erfolgsgeschichte
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Goerke-Mallet, Peter Hogrebe
Geotechnical Engineering
Martin Kressner, Achim Leonhardt, Tom Schlings, Axel Dyck, Bastian Zimmer
Rehabilitation + Recultivation
Matthias Fincke, Roman Zschieschick
Underground Mining
ISSN: 1613-2406
Seitenzahl: 66
Erscheinungsjahr: 2024
© GDMB e.V
(inkl. UST, zzgl. Versand)
Ausgabe 2/2024
Mineral Raw Materials
Fundamentals of lithium enrichment – from geological processes to ore mineral concentrates
Gregor Borg
Resilient supply of critical and strategic raw materials for Germany – Potentials in Africa
Jasemin A. Ölmez, Christoph Hilgers
Tunnel Construction
Control of overbreak using innovative hybrid design patterns in a railway tunnel and station cavern in Himalaya
Pijush Pal Roy, Machuk U.M. Ahmed, Dipankar Chattopadhyay
Mineral Processing
Novel method on determination of Bond work index for red sediment placer ilmenite concentrate
R. Bhima Rao, Tummula Laxmi, Satya Sai Srikant
ISSN: 1613-2406
Seitenzahl: 66
Erscheinungsjahr: 2024
© GDMB e.V
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Ausgabe 1/2024
Umsetzung des Kohleausstiegs 2030 im Rheinischen Revier
Lars Kulik, Jan Wolff
Zur weiteren Tagebauplanung und Rekultivierung der Tagebaue im Rheinischen Revier
Michael Eyll-Vetter, Hendrik Stemann, Christian Eling, Gregor Eßer
Beneficiation studies on recovery of placer minerals from east coast of Andhra Pradesh, India
Raghupatruni Bhima Rao
Planungen der Anrainerkommunen für die Zwischen – und Folgenutzung der Tagebaue im Rheinischen Braunkohlenrevier
Christian Wirtz, Matti Wirth, Volker Mielchen
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EMC 2023 Proceedings
Volume 1
Seitenzahl: 582
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
© GDMB e.V
(inkl. UST, zzgl. Versand)
Hydrogen in Metallurgical Processes
Wiliam Mahoney, Adrian Deneys, Pravin Mathur, Sumant Warty
Process technological developments for methane pyrolysis in liquid metal bubble column reactors
David Neuschitzer, Andreas Sprung, Stefan Wibner, Helmut Antrekowitsch
Hydrogen reduction of Bauxite residue pellets and effect of calcite addition
Manish Kumar Kar, Casper van der Eijk, Efthymios Balomenos, Jafar Safarian
Hydrogen production by Methane Pyrolysis in molten ternary Alloys
David Scheiblehner, Stefan Wibner, Andreas Sprung, Helmut Antrekowitsch
Secondary reduction of lead and zinc: A comparison between hydrogen and carbon
Andrea Kotze, Sander Arnout, Dr. Els Nagels
Determining critical parameters of hydrogen reduction treatment of low copper-containing primary slag
Gunnar Hovestadt, Marvin Coldewe, Bernd Friedrich
De- Carbonization of Processes and Complementary Measures
Prof. Walter Frenz
Green premiums for low carbon nickel and copper
Nicole Voigt, Timm Lux, Mara Kronauer, Nalabolu Dharanidhar, Buse Polat
Low Carbon Footprint and use of Secondary Aluminum for E-Mobility
Dr. Stuart Wiesner, F. Zühlke
Calibration of Open-Path Dust Laser for Continuous Monitoring of Diffuse Emissions
Dr. Heiko Gaertner, Bernd Wittgens, Thomas Park Simonsen, Steinar Olsen, Yifeng Chen, Peter Geiser,
Somendra Singh Parihar, Lars Moen Strømsnes
Evaluation and characterization of biochar for use in metallurgical aggregates
Christian Dorning, Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Jürgen Antrekowitsch
Valorisation of waste to energy plant fly ash to a valuable resource material
Gabriel Carneiro, Prof. Alexandros Charitos, Thomas Bier, Sandra Waida
Lithium from GEO Ressources
Heikki Lappalainen, Marja Rinne, Heini Elomaa, Jari Aromaa, Prof. Mari Lundström
Challenges and Opportunities for Lithium Extraction from Geothermal Systems in Germany
Valentin Goldberg, Ali Dashti, Robert Egert, Binil Benny, Fabian Nitschke, Thomas Kohl
Recycling of Lithium-ION-Batteries
Jayasree Biswas, Sofia Ulmala, Xingbang Wan, Jere Partinen, Prof. Mari Lundström, Ari Jokilaakso
Organic acids and their crucial role in establishing a sustainable process route in the recycling of lithium-ion batteries
Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Lerchbammer, Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Eva Gerold, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Helmut Antrekowitsch
SeLiReco 2.0 – A more sustainable process for the recycling of lithium-ion batteries
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Eva Gerold, Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Lerchbammer, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Helmut Antrekowitsch
Recycling and Waste/Residue
Saki Ueda, Shigeru Kawamura, Kazutoshi Haga, Yasushi Takasaki, Labone Godirilwe, Atsushi Shibayama
Research of metals recovery from printed circuit board scrap in pilot scale test
Piotr Madej, Marta Lewandowska, Grzegorz Krawiec, Miroslaw Kostrzewa, Tomasz Sak, Lukasz Kortyka, Lukasz Mycka, Radoslaw Zybala, Lukas Jaworek, Katarzyna Klejnowska
Silver Extraction from Residue Materials in the Zinc Industry by Thiourea Leaching
Simon Hellgren, Fredrik Engström, Lena Sundqvist-Öqvist
ISACYCLETM for Small Scale Recycling Operations
Dr. Stuart Nicol, Damian Corrie, Ruan Kroukamp, Ben Hogg
Galvanized steel wastes Management
Dr. Massimo Maccagni, Dr. Edouardo Guerrini, A. Grassi
Recycling of cemented carbides with gaseous zinc including particular consideration of GGI
Dipl.-Ing. Lea Luznik, Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Eva Gerold, Stefan Luidold, Thomas Weirather, Julia Pachlhofer, Christoph Czettl,Teemu Karhumaa, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing Dr.mont. Helmut Antrekowitsch
Metal Recycling
Dipl.-Ing. Karl Büchner, Dr. Stefan Wibner, Philip Pucher, Bernd Prillhofer, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing Dr.mont. Helmut Antrekowitsch
Characterisation of aluminium scrap on a laboratory scale
Dr. Stefan Wibner, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing Dr.mont. Helmut Antrekowitsch
By-Product Treatment
Dr. Carsten Hillmann, Joachim Lüning
Modification of heavy metal containing slags for use as sand substitute in concrete
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Wölfler, Gustav Hanke, Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Jürgen Antrekowitsch
ILTEC Technology – Under bath cooling in a Mitshubishi Converting Furnace
Martina Hanel, Dr. Andreas Filzwieser, Dr. Iris Filzwieser
Material Science
Roman Starykh, Svetlana Sineva, Denis Shishin, Prof. Evgueni Jak
Chemical and structural characterization of highly impure copper anodes
M.Sc. Jonas Bäckström
Effect of Heating/ Cooling-rates on the aging behaviour of Al alloys
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Samberger, Lukas Stemper, Florian Schmid, Stefan Pogatscher
In situ heating of Cu nanowires
Diego Santa Rosa Coradini, Thomas Kremmer, Stefan Pogatscher
Influence of cooling rates on new alloys from recycling mixed automotive scraps
Dipl.-Ing. Patrick Krall, Stefan Pogatscher
Industry-oriented sample preparation with an inductively heated laboratory continuous casting plant for aluminum alloys
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Weidinger, Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Samberger, Florian Schmid, Lukas Stemper, Stefan Pogatscher
Deformation analysis in novel aluminum alloys
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Irmgard Weißensteiner
A laboratory-scale equipment for evaluation of sorbent materials for SO2 abatement
Sarah R. Izquierdo, M. Mar Diaz-Requejo, Alberto Mejia Pérez, Pedro J. Pérez, Irene Ruiz-Oria, Guillermo Rios-Ransanz
Development of a highly reactive MgO synthesized from its sulfate reductive decomposition
Eng. Julia Cardoso, Eng. Bruno Muniz, Prof. Dr. José de Campos, Dr. Iranildes Santos, Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Souza, Prof. Dr. Eduardo Brocchi
Inge Bellemans, Kim Verbeken
Optimising the slag selection process for more efficient freeze linings
Gaelle Butin, Lennart Scheunis, Annelies Malfliet
Process Virtualization
Ali Akouch, Markus A. Reuter, Christoph Kirmse, Michael Bruns, Sabrine Khadhraoui, Rolf Degel, Erik Hecker, Nikolaus Borowski
Advances in the use of CFD to optimize metallurgical reactors
Michael Kalisch, Rolf Degel, Stephan Geimer, Andreas Kemminger, Fabian Krause, Hans-Jürgen Odenthal, Markus A. Reuter
Industry 4.0 Simulation
Michael Mahon, Victor Montenegro
CFD Simulation of SO3 formation in an Industrial-Scale Copper Smelting Waste Heat Boiler
Amélia Schmidt, Victor Montenegro, Prof. Alexandros Charitos, Markus Reuter, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Stelter, Andreas Richter
Modelling electrolysis in Gibbs energy minimization Software
Dr.-Ing. Moritz to Baben, Klaus Hack
Volume 2
Seitenzahl: 444
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
© GDMB e.V
(inkl. UST, zzgl. Versand)
Markus Ecker, Jesper Mellenthin, C. Heinzel, N. Zillekens
Investigating Injection Phenomena in Copper Fire Refining Vessels using Water Modelling
Amélia Schmidt, Victor Montenegro, Eric Klaffenbach
Interactions between Copper Melt and Industrial Filter Materials
Claudia Voigt, Gayle Gumban, Jana Hubálková, Beate Fankhänel, Alexandros Charitos, Christos Aneziris
Xiangguang Copper – the benchmark for refineries by using the METTOP parallel flow system
Andreas Filzwieser, Iris Filzwieser, Songlin Zhou
Critical Elements
Sander Arnout, Andrea Kotze, Els Nagels, Yannick Cryns, Davide Messina
Recovery of critical metals from rare earth elements-bearing residue: the thermodynamic simulation
Isabela Belapetravicius, Jorge Alberto Soares Tenório, Denise Crocce Romano Espinosa, Amiliton Barbosa Botelho Junior
Renaissance of Pyrite Roasting driven by Electromobility – a regional Sulphuric acid source?
Jörg Hammerschmidt, Marcus Runkel, Maciej Wrobel, Collin Bartlett
General Pyro Metallurgy
Piotr Madej, Marta Lewandowska, Grzegorz Krawiec, Miroslaw Kostrzewa, Tomasz Sak, Lukasz Kortyka,Lukasz Myćka, Radoslaw, Zybala, Lukas Jaworek, Katarzyna Klejnowska
A first approach for electroslag remelting of CuCrZr alloys using pure copper as an example
Richard Schneider, Bernd Friedrich
General Hydro Metallurgy
Gabriel Oda de Paiva, Franco Garjulli, Amilton Barbosa Botelho Junior, Denise Crocce Romano Espinosa, Jorge Alberto Soares Tenório
The oxidation behaviour of ruthenium in copper electro-winning process
Alexandra Thiere, Hartmunt Bombach, Michael Stelter
Hydrometallurgical methods of producing perrhenates of selected metals from waste
Katarzyna Leszczynska-Sejda, Karolina Goc, Dorota Kopyto, Joanna Malarz, Karolina Pianowska, Michal Babinski, Patrycja Kowalik, Mateusz Ciszewski, Michal Ochmanski, Arkadiusz Palmowski, Grzegorz Benke
Techno-economic analysis of Cu recovery from PCBs by hydrometallurgy on industrial scale
Magali Felix Clemente, Amilton Barbosa Botelho Junior, Denise Crocce Romano Espinosa
Recovery of Antimony by Hydrolysis in Side Streams from Copper Production
Eduardo Díaz, José Antonio Maldonado, Antonio Paúl, José María Gallardo, Irene Ruiz, Guillermo Ríos
Selective extraction and stripping of rhenium from TBP
Hossein Aghajani, Fardin Gheshlaghi Soflaei
Lead and Zink
Massimo Maccagni, Edouardo Guerrini, Andrea Grassi
Decarbonizing the zinc industry while maximizing zinc circularity
Sabina Grund, Eric van Genderen, Martin van Leeuwen
Light Metals
Veronica Milani, Alicia Vallejo-Olivares, Gabriella Tranell, Giulio Timelli
Feasibility of the Purification of Al₂Cu Intermetallic Compound via Zone Melting
Neng Xiong, Dr. Semiramis Friedrich, Bernd Friedrich
Comparison of experimental methods to investigate the oxidation behaviour of aluminium melts
Stefan Tichy, P. Pucher, Stefan Wibner, Helmut Antrekowitsch
Precious Metals
Christoph Ziegler
Successful Operation and Commissioning of a BBOCTM for Silver Doré Production
Danilo Longu, Paolo Casu, Mark Prince, Oscar Mendoza, James Edwards, Davide Garofalo
Process development for the separation of Pt, Ru and Ir by solvent extraction
Ulziikhuu Otgonbayar, Lesia Sandig-Predzymirska, Alexandra Thiere, Alexandros Charitos
Special Metals
Ludwig Blenau, Oliver Lonski, Abuzar Abrar, Daniel Vogt, Olga FabrichEsra Bastürkcü, Norman Kelly, Michael Stelter, Ekrem Yuce, Servet I. Timurnaya, Michael Stelter, Alexandros Charitos
Reclamation of Rare Earth Metals from Spent Ni-MH Batteries
Hossein Salehi, Samane Maroufi, Rasoul Khayyam Nekouei, Veena Sahajwalla
Indium and Gallium Extraction using Ionic liquids: Experimental and Theoretical Study
Samaneh Teimouri, Johannes Herman Potgieter, Caren Billing, Jeanet Conradie, Mari Lundström, Benjamin P. Wilson
The Utilization of Primary Amines for separation of HREEs from LREEs in Sulphate Media
Esra Bastürkcü, Norman Kelly, Michael Stelter, Ekrem Yuce, Servet I. Timur
Distribution behavior of platinum group metals between liquid metal and molten slag in the Cu-Cu₂O and Pb-PbO systems at 1523 K
Takashi Murata, Katsunori Yamaguchi
Sustainable recovery of rare earths elements from spent magnets using pyrometallurgical methods
Hanwen Chung, Srecko Stopic, Bernd Friedrich
Pieter-Jan Boeykens, Inge Bellemans, Kim Verbeken, Lennart Scheunis
The behavior of minor metals in BOF slag with the addition of Al₂O₃ 977 and TiO₂
Gerald Haslinger, Stefan Steinlechner
Viscosity measurements during continuous cooling of a lead silicate slag
Olivier Vergote, Amy Van den Bulck, Lennart Scheunis, Inge Bellemans, Kim Verbeken
Comparative Study on the Reduction of Copper Refining Slag by Metallic Reducing Agents
Dipl.-Ing. Lars Felkl, Michael Stelter, Alexandros Charitos
Upgrading of Copper from Slag using Physical Separation Techniques
Keigo Higuchi, Kazutoshi Haga, Labone Godirilwe, Shigeru Kawamura, Yasushi Takasaki,
Atsushi Sibayama, Motohiro Sakamoto, Fumiki Hosho, Shigenori Inoue
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